…was halfway between a rock and a hard spot. She had been there before and loathed the idea that she had again arrived at a point where a salvageable solution seemed out of reach. Taking a deep sigh she continued up the path letting her mind run its course of all the possible scenarios trying to capture the one that would have the least impact on the firm. After the unfortunate events that caused her predecessor to leave unannounced one day and the law suit that followed, Liz made sure she did everything with intention. Nothing was left to chance. This project started out well defined with a clear goal. Steps for contingencies had been worked into the process. Liz had even gotten blessing from the investors on the project in advance, not an easy task with Hal in the driver's seat and Sabrina taking a hard ball approach. How it had spiraled out of control without her knowing until now made her question Meg's loyalty. Had she let something slip without realizing it? Surely it couldn't have been an intentional breach and yet each idea Liz played out in her mind led her straight back to that day when Meg came rushing in her office to announce…
If this contribution has piqued your interest, feel free to build on it: Post your own version of the story's continuation here in comments, on Twitter, on Flickr, or text us at (805) 628-2283. You can also wait for the May 15th SLO event and type it all on a real live typewriter.